Does your session include simultaneous translation?
Access the translation channel
Access the link (LoopUp) provided by the dlR group team to have a better translation experience.
Havetwo means to choose of your preference on which you will listen to the simultaneous translation.
audio computer

You will listen to the simultaneous translation through your cell phone.
Enter your name, choose your country code and your number.Click on call me now
You will receive a phone call from a number in England or the United Kingdom. When answering you will be able to listen to the translator.
To have a better experience,mute your computer audio from where you are viewing the Focus Group image and only listen to the simultaneous translation from your cell phone.

You will listen to the simultaneous translation from the speaker of your computer.

Click onother audio options, ChooseConnect with computer audio click onfollowing.
If an audio or microphone permission window appears, click onallow
Enter your name, check that your speakers are defaulted in the selection and click onconnect to the meeting. Be sure to turn off your microphone so you don't interrupt the translator.
To have a better experience,mute the audio from the web tab where you are viewing the Focus Group. Place your cursor on the lock icon that appears next to the URL space in your web browser.Click the lock and turn off the sound so that you only listen to the simultaneous translation from the LoopUp web window.